What Are The Common Pre-Workout Ingredients? What Are Pre-Workouts Made of, And What Do They Do?

What Are The Common Pre-Workout Ingredients? What Are Pre-Workouts Made of, And What Do They Do?

Pre-workouts are of various types, and each one is unique in the way it affects your body. The ingredients of the pre-workout ultimately determine what the product will do inside the body. While many different formulas and blends make the same ingredients function differently, that difference is not considered significant enough. There are some natural, some artificial, and some even extremely dangerous chemicals inside pre-workouts. Here are all the details about pre-workout ingredients:


Most Common Pre-Workout Ingredients:

The pre-workout ingredients each serve a purpose. While the lower quality pre-workouts may even try to hide their complete ingredients by using unknown proprietary blend quantities, it is necessary to be aware of what’s inside your pre-workout. Here are the common pre-workout ingredients and what they do:


  1. Caffeine:

Caffeine is one of the most common ingredients in most pre-workouts. It works as a stimulant and is used to provide energy to the body. Caffeine is well known and well researched for the boost it provides, and this allows the person to go further and beyond their usual speed and effectiveness if they were to work out without it. Caffeine is also a key component in increasing the endurance of a person.

While caffeine is safe to use and also recommended by many, it is important not to overuse it. As caffeine is in many other common foods and drinks, a person can easily consume more than the recommended amount. The recommended dose of caffeine is around 200mg. For beginners, try to avoid multiple caffeine-containing products at once and avoid them if they hurt your health.


  1. Branched-Chain Amino Acids (Bccas):

Pre-workouts contain three out of the twenty amino acids that our body requires. While some are naturally produced, others are needed by diet. The three found in pre-workouts are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCCAs are mostly used for strength, muscle protein synthesis, and muscle soreness.

The usual dose depends on the body weight of the person. However, it usually ranges between 5-3 or less for lesser weighing individuals. Branched-chain amino acids are also present in other protein-rich foods like dairy products and meat.      Therefore, they are completely safe when used in moderation.


  1. Beetroot Extract:

Beetroot products are considered natural pre-workouts. So, it’s only fair that it would be a part of pre-workouts. Beetroot is a superfood, and its benefits list is long. Some of them are improving heart health, digestive and immune systems and providing nutrients. According to research, it is a natural endurance enhancer and allows a person to be less fatigued after a workout.

Many people choose to consume beetroot products such as pills in addition to pre-workouts that do not have beetroot extract already. This is also useful because some pre-workouts have the extract in such low quantities that there are no significant improvements due to its presence of it.


  1. Creatine:

Creatine is one of the most common gym-related products on its own, and it is also found in most pre-workouts. The reason for both is the same; it helps build muscle and speeds up recovery. It is also very useful for both heavy lifting and high-intensity cardio.

The recommended dose of creatine depends on its type. For example, creatine HCL is used in lesser quantities than creatine monohydrate. Creatine monohydrate is what’s mostly found in pre-workouts. Similar to beetroot, many people use other sources of creatine to see effective results, and therefore, the required amount is better calculated for each individual separately.


  1. L-theanine:

This is another amino acid that is used in pre-workouts. It is best paired with caffeine which has already been explained. The main use of L-theanine is to increase focus and control stress on the body. The substance is a form of theanine, and the other is D-theanine. There are other alternatives to this substance, but this is the most used one. It is often consumed in forms other than pre-workouts.


  1. Beta-Alanine:

While mentioning amino acids, another important one is beta-alanine. It is commonly found in pre-workouts but also in foods that are important for a healthy diet like fish, chicken, etc. It is primarily used to improve endurance and overall health.

Its beneficial quality is the lack of side effects while allowing a person to work harder and longer. The recommended dose is up to 5 grams. The substances used are sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation, and that can be attributed to using a higher dose. It is not dangerous; however, cautious use is always advised.


  1. L-Citrulline:

This is an amino acid that is tied to increasing blood flow. Through that, it can increase both muscular endurance and the volume of reps in the gym. Amino acids like citrulline have gained popularity over the recent years, and while they are not essential, they are still found in many pre-workouts.

A dose of less than 10g is recommended, and it varies depending on the product.


  1. Electrolytes:

Electrolytes are very important for the body. As many other products are good sources of electrolytes, many pre-workouts ignore them. However, electrolytes are especially needed when there is large energy expenditure and cardio, sweating, etc.  Pre-workouts incorporate things like sodium, magnesium, and calcium in the blend to support bodily functions. Electrolytes must be replenished, and pre-workouts with them are often a great choice.


Other Pre-Workout Ingredients:

There is a lengthy list of ingredients that have not been mentioned. They are often used to either replace one the those mentioned above or simply add on to the effect. Some other pre-workout ingredients are:

  • Vitamins
  • L-carnitine
  • Theobromine
  • Pomegranate extract
  • EAA’s

The list appears to be never-ending. The point to be noted is that these are not essential, and a person should take a pre-workout with only those ingredients that fit their need. Many other ingredients, along with their details, are given here.


Why Are Pre-Workout Ingredients Confusing?:

Pre-workout following standards set up by the health organization after research has been conducted on the substances. The pre-workouts are regulated differently in different regions, and their production is different because of the different options available for the ingredients. This often results in the users being confused by the labels.

The best way to choose a pre-workout is to look at the pre-workout ingredients that best fit your need. Want endurance, volume, and less fatigue? Then, understand the ingredients that add to that and choose the pre-workout that has those ingredients. Also, note that not all pre-workout ingredients are made equal. Pre-workout types vary from pump to mild stimulants and very strong stimulants. These do not change ingredients but also the ratios of the ingredients being used. Some have certain side effects that may affect a group of people but do nothing to others. It is essential to be careful of the substances that are to be consumed regularly.


Precautionary Measure With Pre-Workout Ingredients:

It is always better to adopt the necessary precautions when using pre-workouts. While the obvious one is using advised quantities and not using pre-workouts with harmful substances that are banned, others are:

  • Checking the ingredients for allergens
  • Checking the effects with medication if used.
  • Checking the pre-workout for strong stimulants (for beginners).
  • Checking the pre-workout for unknown ingredients.


Final Thoughts:

Pre-workout ingredients are simple to understand when a person knows exactly what they are looking for. Always use the pre-workout in the advised quantities and do not consume pre-workout ingredients from other sources that can potentially cause an overdose. The best pre-workouts are often the ones that are the cleanest and give effective results with the least amount of additives. The lesser number of ingredients there are, the less likely the pre-workout is dangerous.

Psychosloth has made a pre-workout that is not only effective but also simple to understand and use. With only 4 familiar pre-workout ingredients, Psycho Sloth includes electrolytes, a clean source of caffeine from green tea, increases blood flow (nitric oxide) with the use of beetroot, and eliminates jitters with L-Theanine.


Psychosloth has created the simplest, cleanest, and most effective formula for you to have the greatest results. The pre-workout is well suited for people of all levels, and all that is provided at an amazing price.

Check out our pre-workout page for more details, and browse the website for all the amazing gym products you need now.



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